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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  September 18, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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0001 never seen this much water back here in my life. >> a sentiment no doubt shared by many in dundalk tonight after a disastrous water wane break leaves people hip deep in water and in despair. the water has stopped but now comes the hard part of: the cleanup. i'm marybeth marsden. it is the story of the night and we have live team coverage of the deluge in dundalk. let's start with terry owens. >> reporter: the command center they're calling this one of the worst water main breaks in recent memory. there is good news. as you said the water has been shut off. that will allow dpw crews to drain the lines and they can
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begin the excavation process to see what went wrong. given the damage to area homes, much work remains. >> reporter: the site of a 72-inch main gushing water was nothing short of spectacular. >> the water went from knee height to chest height, depending upon where you were. >> reporter: it began around 4:30 this afternoon, a river of water racing into the nearby communities of logan's village, turner station, and water's edge. the flood waters would force some families on to the upter floors of their -- upper floors of their home. others who tried to escape had to be recused. >> because of the size of a main, it's 72-inch main, this is one of the larger breaks we've had in recent history. >> reporter: they believe the concrete pipe that burst was installed back in the 1970s. some of the lines in this area have been replaced, but point to the ageing infrastructre as a possible cause for this represent tur.
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rupture. the governor joined state highway and transportation officials at the command officials offering whatever assist tans baltimore county needs to get the water back on and the roads repaired. >> the work that is going to have to be done after this will involve repairing the highway and all the damage associated in this area. first things first, we're hear to make sure whether it's national guard or whenever else that jim smith has whatever assets he needed to assist the hard working people of dundalk as we get through this. >> reporter: our live team coverage continues with my colleague roosevelt leftwich. you were right on top of that water as it was gush out of the highway, what was that like. >> reporter: that much water coming out so quickly was just something to see. and part of that now is the mess
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to clean up. you can see these are crews out here now working on dundalk avenue. all that water just buckets and buckets of mud and other debris out of that hole and the hole, if you can see it up there, when we show some of the other shots, it looks like a giant hand scooped into the highway and pulled all the debris out on to dundalk avenue which is nothing but rocks and mud. it's complete mud they're trying to get this open because this is a busy thoroughfare so the folks on the other side can get home. but the folks on the other side are snaking their way through the side streets. they're going to find flooded cars and basements and a lot of mess to clean up. it was like isabelle. water rushing through the streets continuously rising and known knowing when it was going to stop -- no one knowing when it was going to stop. >> i was thinking my house, my kids, my neighbors, we are going to be flooded out. >> reporter: natasha reed was
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one of dozens people who were kept away from their homes by police as the water flooded everything. >> but nobody could tell us what exactly happened. how did the flood start. >> reporter: 11,000 gallons of water a minute was sent through the neighborhood making it as much as 3 to 4 feet in spots. it washed out the road and many many people had their homes flooded before it came to an abrupt stop. the water also washed out the power. a good chunk of this fart of dundalk is in the dark. but for many folks, they still had to get out to see the damage to find out what it did to their home and their cars. >> i came outside and looked outside and seen my truck underwater and i said, oh, hell. >> nothing you can do about it. >> nothing i can do about it. water damage in my house, in the basement, sump pump didn't work. everything is jammed up. >> reporter: don came home fo find water up to the ceiling in
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her basement. children's toys in the backyard were pushed in through a basement door and are now inside of her home. >> we just refinished our basement and brand new furniture, everything, ruined. >> reporter: as you can see, the crew is up there working to try to get the road opened down there. there's still actually water trickling out of that whole down there. they managed to cut off the high pressure but there's still water coming out of the hole because there's a tremendous amount of water that was there. this pipe when it burst caused a lot of problems for water pressure in the area but we understand from the city that that water pressure is starting to come up but it affected areas as far away as anne arundel county. that's how much everybody depends on that one pipe. they're going to be working during the night to get dundalk avenue open. after that, getting that pipe fixed and back up and running to get water pressure back, that's
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what's next. >> smaller breaks can sometimes take weeks. >> reporter: this one is going to take white a while but for one reason i think it's even for the city this has been something that they -- totally unexpected. but believe it or not, they worked very, very quickly. once they get down there, these guys don't stop. hopefully by the end of the weekend we'll see progress, the road itself, that's going to take a while because they have to assess a lot of damage and as you know, too, that road carries heavy truck damage back and forth to the port so they have to make sure that that road is ready to go. the break will get fixed but the roadway will take longer. officials from home depot called us and they say they'll keep their stores in that area open 24/7, and possibly longer if need be. and homeowners are going to need some help almost as quickly as the flood waters rose so did fear and anger. >> i never seen this much water
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back here in my life. >> water invasion, they grabbed what they could in minutes and went for safety. some are asking how and why. >> where is all the tax money going? they should have somebody to have enough sense to have emergency cutoff valve or something like that. how can you have water like this running all day? and they say it's going to take three and a half hours for you to cut the water off? >> frustration magnified because this came without warning. torent of danger and destruction. the damage will be added up for days, possibly weeks to come. there are still a number of people stranded in dundalk simply because they can't return to their homes but the shelter was -- has closed and most have found a place to go at least for the night. let's go back up to dundalk where delia goncalves is
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standing by. >> reporter: at the height of this water main break situation we're told that water was nearly chest high in many areas around here so of course emergency crews had to clear out the communities hardest hit. >> it's like a movie scene. it's like -- it's just like unbelievable. it's like surreal. >> reporter: an unbelievable scene in dundalk with water from a 72-inch main break gushing into neighborhoods forcing many residents out. >> a police officer got on the phone and asked if this was my elderly mother and they were getting her out of her house. >> reporter: it is the second water emergency for the people of logan village and water's edge all whose homes suffered damage from hurricane isabelle. >> cars were coming the opposite direction trying to figure out how they were going to get out of the area. >> it was chaos.
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>> reporter: the power was turn off leaving 834 homes without electricity. while many evacuees stayed with their relatives. they had a shelter. more help in the days to come as dundalk begins to recover. >> we will be there when the water is off and the water is down, we'll be there to do the repairs. we'll be there to help the people that have been affected by this disaster. >> reporter: and as you can see, the crews here working throughout the night to get those hundreds of people who have been blacked out back up and running again. it will be no doubt a very long weekend for city, state, and county crews as they try to help this town recover. again, we should mention as you heard from marybeth moments ago, that at the senior center, the emergency shelter that was set
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up, is shut down. folks were going there at the height of this situation, but now things are beginning to subside. lots of folks have found shelter with relatives. it will be a long weekend to try to get this town back to normal. delia goncalves, abc2 news. the flooding is a disaster for many in dundalk. the massive 72-inch water main broke around 4:00 this amp right on the highway. that caused the road to collapse sending water gushing into the logan village shopping center. it took aim at the surrounding neighborhoods. within minutes the entire area around the break was under water, several feet deep in some areas. cars and homes began to take on water. rescue crews headed in and public works began trying to stop the water. by 6:30 the water was shut off. but not before flooding roughly 72 square blocks, one block for every inch of that broken water
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main. we'll be updating this story throughout this weekend and the news cast. be sure to get the latest on line on . the good news is the whole side of this is that we don't have any rainfall, nothing showing up on maryland's most powerful radar and it's going to remain that way. overnight mostly clear skies, going to be on the cooler side. see an overnight low of 59 degrees which is a normal temperature for this date. things are good for the weekend. complete forecast if a couple of minutes. and still to come, the latest on the story we broke first last night. players on the dunbar football team and the mother of one of the players charged with attempted murder. but this was a story of courage and accomplishment. a young man from our area, and kids across the nation.
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. breaking news out of annapolis. the woman who might have been the first african american mayor of annapolis has dropped out of the race. she just won the democratic primary this week but she decided to drop out in the wake of revelations of personal financial problems. she has faced questions about the foreclosure of her home and several state tax liens. the latest on that disturbing story you saw on abc2 news last night at 11. dunbar's football teams have battled their way to three consecutive state championships but now a group of players face attempted murder charges. we broke the story last night and tonight as jeff hager reports, new details have surfaced surrounding the attack on four teens in lansdown.
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>> reporter: some of them travelled to the home of cuedann and their mother sought their help to seek revenge on a teen. >> kimberly believed that's week earlier this teen attacked her son. so she organized this group to attack malloy. >> reporter: according to charging document, cuedann drove some of the youth and her son to where they spotted malloy. they dropped the football players around the corner and waited for them and they proceeded to beat, stab, and kick malloy and three of his friends. one of her neighbors says it's a level of violence unheard of in decades past. >> if it was a fist fight, and we got done, shook hand, and it
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was over it. >> reporter: by the time police arrived, malloy had collapsed. three of his friends had multiple stab wounds. >> some of the witnesses recognised some of the attackers as belonging to a dunbar high school, going to dunbar high school. some of them were in dunbar colors. >> reporter: police approached the coach with a description of the suspects. a short teen weighing 250 pounds and identified cuedann as fitting that description. the standout football mare is the only one who now remains behind bars. jeff hager, abc2 news. baltimore county police are still searching for two additional suspects in the stabbings but say they're not students at dunbar. in anne arundel, two teens are facing hate crime charges.
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they sprayed the letters kkk on a bus owned by a predominantly black church. it happened on saturday night. the teenagers were arrested earlier this week. investigators used absentee records from a nearby school to find them. >> other incidents in recent history of the county and we want to make a clear signal we're not going to tolerate this kind of activity. >> the two have been released in their parents' custody. they have been charged with misdemeanor property destruction but will be charged with a hate crime. [bell ringing]. >> stocks closed the weeks up, dow gained 36 points. despite the modest gains on wall street the locals closed big.
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josephe bank was 3% up and under armor was up just short of 2%. anyone thinking of taking advantage of the $8,000 home buyers tax credit, listen up. they're pushing for a six-month extension. >> it's been an incredible stimulus for home sales. the problem is it expires at end of november and the economy is questionable and the housing market needs help. >> they're evaluating its impact on home sales and had make a recommendation to the president. now some lawmakers are concerned about the cost of an extension. tonight a true inspiration gets some more recognition. we first introduced you to vincent vicar, the winner of the one armed golfer championship in florida. today, 21-year-old vincent was recognised by the count for his
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victory. he is partially paralyzed on one side of his body. that does not stop him. the golf course is his home. >> all i want to do is golf. [ inaudible ]. >> he's very focussed. his next stop, the ryder cup for one armed players, in september in wales. . well today started out show but got progressively better. our two degree guarantee for today was 78 degrees and officially at bwi we hit a high of 77. we've hit it two days in a row. winner from pass deano, lloyd elson, he scored an abc 2 umbrella. as far as what going on across
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the region, our harbor cam outside, clear skies, few light clouds arounds and patchy fog here and there. 66 degrees, 93% humidity at bwi, wind is calm and pressure steady. there are your tides on saturday. high tide 7:24 in the morning, low tide 1:54 in the afternoon. the low this morning was 62, high today was 77 degrees. it did hit our two degree guarantee. the temperatures cooled off a little bit but the cooler stuff comes in tomorrow night and early sunday morning. some of the places could be in the upper 40s, out in york, hagerstown could see temperatures in the upper 40s by sunday morning. throughout the day, started out, some places are light drizzle this morning. as the day went along, got progressively better and better. few light clouds around the
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region and will dissipate tomorrow. that pesky area of low pressure continues to spit out moisture into the carolinas, few scattered showers across the area, but the heaviest rainfall remains over the western portions of alabama. across our area, high pressure is dominating our area and will through the weekend. that longs like rainfall out there, just the heat of the day radiating back out into space. right now in arno, 66, 67 in riserstown. cambridge at 68 degrees. here is your forecast for the overnight period. mostly clear skies tonight and during the day tomorrow lots of sunshine, all the precipitation will be staying out to the west of us so things are looking good for the weekend. on monday, few light showers make their way back into the region. forecast for the overnight period, mostly clear. very seasonable temperature, 59 degrees, which is normal for this date.
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tomorrow, mostly sunny and cooler. monday a few showers make their way into the weather picture with a high of 75. tuesday looks like a rainy day. wednesday, thursday, friday, scattered showers, temperatures in the 70s to low 80s. have a good weekend. coming up, where the main that burst today has caused problems before. that story still to come. need a lift?
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speak, the cleanup efforts have begun in those neighborhoods. tomorrow crews will be going through the community, taking out materials from homes. there's going to be a lot of water damage there. the county, the state coming in with trucks to help people get rid of that stuff. we've also learned tonight that the water main involved in today's break is one that's caused problems before. this is the same type of main that ruptured earlier this year. it's the same type of main that broke in river road down in montgomery county where they had cars literally being washed away in the water. so this is a defective main we're being told. they've had problems since the 1980s. they think this was a defective map, one that was made in china. had problems with it since the 1980s and have had massive trouble again. this is the one of the biggest water main breaks in recent
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history. the latest from dundalk, i'm terry owens, back to you. >> a lot of viewers who sent us pictures and video, are looking for hope. there's damage to their homes, their cars, their property. the help was offered quickly by the governor's office. a spokesman says the state will be assisting in cleanup. and as for that cleanup and repairs, the home depot stores in the area are staying open 24 hours a day so homeowners can get what they need to repair the damage. however, some of the damage may be too pricey and repairs may face other roadblocks. jim smith was spoken to about working together to meet the immediate needs of the families and businesses of dundalk, as well as the long range problems caused by our ageing infrastructre. >> our ageing infrastructre is
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certainly not a new issue but what happened tonight certainly highlights the fact that it is a very big problem. we'll be right back. ( laughing ) hey chuckles,
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. high pressure has moved in over the top of the region and that's going to be resulting in sunshine for saturday and sunday. some mild temperatures, 735 degrees, normal temperature is around 77 to 78. look at the overnight lows, particularly saturday night into sunday morning and sunday morning into monday morning. the overnight lows down around 50 degrees sunday night to monday morning which means many places could see temperatures in
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the upper 40s. tuesday, more general rainfall, and wednesday and thursday and friday scattered showers temperatures warming back up. nice weather for the next couple of days. hopefully the people in dundalk will be able to dry out a little bit. >> this weekend is going to be big for them cleanup. waiting for the water to reseed. that is all for us tonight. thank you for watching, good night. did you know fios has a multi-room dvr?
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